“Do you have a heartbeat?” isn’t very selective.
With projected physician shortages as high as 120,000 by 2030, it’s a good time to ask yourself if your organization is telling the same generic recruitment message.
Nearly every healthcare organization today has vacancies they can’t fill. (And PS: your competitors are already actively cultivating and engaging tomorrow’s pool of candidates.)
Smart recruitment teams know what it takes to fit in, for new providers to find a home, and to build a life, to engage in your community.
Healthcare organizations - from hospitals, to FQHCs, to community clinics, to specialist practices - come to KineticHealth help their teams better understand what it takes to recruit with their brand values — and to leverage the power of stories that inspire and engage.
KineticHealth understands the importance of building relationships before you need them, and developing a brand that engages the best talent for the effective delivery of your mission.
Why your unique branded experience matters
The day-to-day tasks in most jobs are very similar, regardless of the name on our check.
Who we work with, the autonomy we enjoy, and the mission we deliver are among the most distinctive components of what makes an employer unique.
When you tell (and retell, and retell) stories about your culture, brand, and values, you show current and prospective employees what is most important to you.
The most loyal, productive, desirable employees aren’t just looking for a paycheck. They are looking for an opportunity to make a difference, and for a sense of connection.
Are you offering this?
Are you talking about it?
Bad hires cost time & money
Each bad hire costs you more than just the fees to get them onsite: they tax your system, drain your staff, and alienate your patients. It’s not just the direct costs that add up. A single bad hire can cost you more than 200% of their annual salary (HCRI, 2016).
And the real kicker?
A bad hire can damage your reputation (social capital) with your stakeholders or the community. Just like bad personal experiences, it often takes 5-7 great experiences to offset just one negative experience (a tough batting average to maintain).
Reputation matters, inside and out. Don’t pay the social and financial premium for a bad reputation.
You should be Re-Recruiting too
Don’t lose sight of the needs within your organization either. Just as you are hoping to build relationships with top talent employed elsewhere, recruiters and organizations are also prospecting your top talent, too.
Competitive compensation is more important than ever. As market compensation becomes increasingly transparent across organizations (Family Physician, for example), market-based compensation should be expected for qualified professionals. Skimp on this, and expect exits.
The real risk? Burnout. We are all at risk for losing our best people to burnout. Studies show that
the cost of physician burnout can range from $500,000 to more than $1 million per doctor. This estimate includes recruitment, sign-on bonuses, lost billings, and on-boarding costs for replacement physicians. (AMA, 2018)
If your organization isn’t actively employing your enviable culture, brand, and mission to recruit and retain the talent that drives you forward, we can help.
Your Marketing Recruitment funnel is just like a sales funnel. You need to be talking to the right audiences and be thinking about moving them forward as future employees and collaborators.
Your process is perfectly optimized for the results you see today.
Don’t like what your current process delivers? We can help.
Non-linear careers are increasingly important. Organizations need to learn and develop top candidates for their next role inside your organization (before they leave for their next opportunity).